I have a struct array in Matlab as follows:
temp_links = struct('src',{},'dest',{}, 'type', {}, 'datarate', {});
the data in temp_links
is as follows:
src dest type datarate
sw_1 sw_2 sw 23
sw_1 sw_2 sw 34
sw_1 sw_2 sw 2
sw_1 sw_2 sw 3
sw_1 sw_3 sw 5
sw_1 sw_3 sw 8
sw_1 sw_3 sw 9
sw_1 sw_3 sw 3
sw_1 sw_3 sw 23
sw_1 sw_3 sw 20
sw_2 dev1 dev 30
sw_2 dev1 dev 20
In the above case, I would like to sum the datarates for the same src
and dest
and get a new struct array as follows:
src dest type datarate
sw_1 sw_2 sw 62
sw_1 sw_3 sw 68
sw_1 dev1 dev 50
I am confused on how to achieve this. My thoughts were to have a switch case for each src field and then populate the dest. But I am pretty sure there is a simple way which hasn't hit me yet.
Could someone help me with this.
One approach could be to identify the unique rows using unique
and then use some logical indexing to combine their data rates.
For example:
% Sample Data
temp_links = struct('src',{'sw_1', 'sw_1', 'sw_1', 'sw_2', 'sw_2', 'sw_2'}, ...
'dest',{'sw_2', 'sw_2', 'sw_3', 'sw_1', 'dev_1', 'dev_1'}, ...
'type', {'sw', 'sw', 'sw', 'sw', 'dev', 'dev'}, ...
'datarate', {23, 34, 2, 5, 5, 5} ...
% Locate and index each unique source, destination, and type
[src_nodes, ~, src_idx] = unique({temp_links(:).src});
[dest_nodes, ~, dest_idx] = unique({temp_links(:).dest});
[types, ~, type_idx] = unique({temp_links(:).type});
% Combine the indices and use to locate and index unique rows
row_layout = [src_idx, dest_idx, type_idx];
[unique_rows, ~, row_idx] = unique(row_layout, 'rows');
% Initialize results table based on the unique rows
joined_links = struct('src', {src_nodes{unique_rows(:,1)}}, ...
'dest', {dest_nodes{unique_rows(:,2)}}, ...
'type', {types{unique_rows(:,3)}}, ...
'datarate', [] ...
% Sum data rates for identical rows
for ii = 1:size(unique_rows, 1)
joined_links(ii).datarate = sum([temp_links(row_idx==ii).datarate]);
For our sample input structure:
src dest type datarate
______ _______ _____ ________
'sw_1' 'sw_2' 'sw' 23
'sw_1' 'sw_2' 'sw' 34
'sw_1' 'sw_3' 'sw' 2
'sw_2' 'sw_1' 'sw' 5
'sw_2' 'dev_1' 'dev' 5
'sw_2' 'dev_1' 'dev' 5
We recieve the following joined structure:
src dest type datarate
______ _______ _____ ________
'sw_1' 'sw_2' 'sw' 57
'sw_1' 'sw_3' 'sw' 2
'sw_2' 'dev_1' 'dev' 10
'sw_2' 'sw_1' 'sw' 5
Alternatively, if you want to use MATLAB's Table
datatype you can more easily utilize findgroups
and splitapply
to achieve the same result.
Using the same temp_links
struct from above:
temp_links = struct2table(temp_links);
groups = findgroups(temp_links.src, temp_links.dest, temp_links.type);
combined_datarate = splitapply(@sum, temp_links.datarate, groups);
[unique_groups, idx] = unique(groups);
joined_links = temp_links(idx, :);
joined_links.datarate = combined_datarate;
Which also returns:
src dest type datarate
______ _______ _____ ________
'sw_1' 'sw_2' 'sw' 57
'sw_1' 'sw_3' 'sw' 2
'sw_2' 'dev_1' 'dev' 10
'sw_2' 'sw_1' 'sw' 5