I'm using ava (no link, since I'm not allowed to use more than 2 😕) for testing and want to type ava's test context. It's typed as any
in ava's definition file.
What I specifically want is that the typescript compiler knows that t.context
is of the type {foo: number}
in the following test:
import test from 'ava'
test.beforeEach((t) => {
t.context = { foo: 5 }
test('Is context typed', (t) => {
// uncaught typo
t.is(t.context.fooo, 5)
I tried to use declaration merging to do this, but it fails with TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable 'context' must be of type 'any', but here has type '{ foo: number; }'.
declare module 'ava' {
interface ContextualTestContext {
context: {
foo: number,
test.beforeEach((t) => {
t.context = { foo: 5 }
test('Is context typed', (t) => {
// uncaught ypo
t.is(t.context.fooo, 5)
Is there a way to do this without casting the context all the time like so:
interface IMyContext {
foo: number
test.beforeEach((t) => {
t.context = { foo: 5 }
test('Is context typed', (t) => {
const context = <IMyContext> t.context
// caught typo
t.is(context.fooo, 5)
Typing the context will be possible with the next version of ava. Then you can do something like this:
import * as ava from 'ava';
function contextualize<T>(getContext: () => T): ava.RegisterContextual<T> {
ava.test.beforeEach(t => {
Object.assign(t.context, getContext());
return ava.test;
const test = contextualize(() => {
return { foo: 'bar' };
test.beforeEach(t => {
t.context.foo = 123; // error: Type '123' is not assignable to type 'string'
test.after.always.failing.cb.serial('very long chains are properly typed', t => {
t.context.fooo = 'a value'; // error: Property 'fooo' does not exist on type '{ foo: string }'
test('an actual test', t => {
t.deepEqual(t.context.foo.map(c => c), ['b', 'a', 'r']); // error: Property 'map' does not exist on type 'string'
If you acquire your context asynchronously you need to change the type signature of contextualize
function contextualize<T>(getContext: () => Promise<T>): ava.RegisterContextual<T> {
ava.test.beforeEach(async t => {
Object.assign(t.context, await getContext());
return ava.test;
const test = contextualize(() => {
const db = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017')
return { db }
Otherwise the TypeScript compiler will think t.context
is a Promise, although it isn't