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The Facebook Instant Articles module requires the facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php library in Drupal

How about friends, I installed in drupal 7 the module Facebook Instant Articles, but when I activate it it puts me this error: The Facebook Instant Articles module requires the facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php library.

I downloaded the facebook-instant-articles-sdk file from, I unzip it and upload it to my site in the path: / httpdocs / sites / all / Libraries / facebook-php-sdk / src return to my site to activate the module but still showing "The Facebook Instant Articles module requires the facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php library, and composer autoloading"

Can you tell me if I'm doing bad lake, or should I do anything else?

Thanks for your help.


  • I Have also installed Drupal 7 with fb_instant_article Module. In addition, I installed Composer_Manager and XAutoload. And I have installed the SDK via Composer.


        "require": {
            "php": ">=5.3.0",
            "sensiolabs/security-checker": "~2.0",
            "facebook/facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php": "^1.0.0"
        "config": {
            "autoloader-suffix": "ComposerManager",
            "vendor-dir": "../../../all/vendor"
        "prefer-stable": true,
        "autoload": {
            "psr-4": {
                "Drupal\\fb_instant_articles\\": [
                "Drupal\\fb_instant_articles_display\\": [