I want to set the .net core environment of my visual studio 2015. According to adam freeman first I have to update visual studio then to install .net core mvc. I tried to update but failed then I uninstall the setup but at the last steps of uninstalling a message display the program crash such that please debug or close the program i close the program. i feel its not completely uninstalled so i go my admin drive program files and other locations where i see the visual studio files/folder and deleted these folder including visual studio 2015 and 2010. then i start to again installing visual studio after completion of installation i clicked on launch then it did ask about general settings theme etc and show the start page which didn't response. I am not able to select an option from tool bar or start new project even to close or minimise etc only close through task bar so what i have to do to fix this issue
Hi did you try uninstalling visual studio completely from your PC? You can see this link that shows how to remove visual studio components left after an uninstall: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/heaths/2015/07/17/removing-visual-studio-components-left-behind-after-an-uninstall/