I'm trying to combine two measurement arrays:
var unitMasses: [UnitMass] {
return [.milligrams, .grams, .kilograms, .ounces, .pounds]
var unitLengths: [UnitLength] {
return [.centimeters, .decimeters, .meters]
into one:
var units: [AnyObject] {
// This works:
return [unitMasses].flatMap{$0}
// But I've tried the following and this doesn't:
//return ([unitMasses as AnyObject] + [unitVolumes as AnyObject]).flatMap{$0}
I want to be able able to to access the .symbol
attribute of the elements in the units
var symbols: [String] {
return units.map({ unit in unit.symbol })
From my point of view this way is quite more straight forward.I do not see any needs to merge arrays before.
var symbols = unitMasses.map({$0.symbol})
symbols += unitLengths.map({$0.symbol})
print(symbols) // ["mg", "g", "kg", "oz", "lb", "cm", "dm", "m"]