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Permissions are granted by default

I'm not sure i fully understand this. So, for the <= 21 API version we can just use AndroidManifest.xml to request permissions, but Lollipop and higher APIs we have Requesting permission on runtime feature. So i'm using it with this simpe code:

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
    for (String permission : AudioRecordingThread.PERMISSIONS_NEEDED) {
        if (checkSelfPermission(permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    } ....

Then, if that list is not empty i'm requesting them :

if (mPermissionsToBeAsked.size() > 0) {
   requestPermissions(mPermissionsToBeAsked.toArray(new String[0]), AUDIO_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE);

But, for some reason, on devices, for example, like Samsung Galaxy S7 with Android 6.0.1, all the permissions grandted by default when app is installed. So i want to know why, BUT, it's there is an even bigger concerne, when i go to my application in Application Manager and manually removing Microphone permision, in the app checkSelfPermission(permission) is still returning GRANTED. So the questions:

  1. Why on devices with API level Lollipop and higher all permissions are still granted by default and above code won't add anything into mPersmissionToBeAsked?
  2. Why if i manually removing permission with title MICROPHONE in Application manager checkSelfPermission(android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) still returns GRANTED?


  • Just Cross verify in your app gradle file the targetsdk version is greater than 22.

     defaultConfig {
            // -----
            targetSdkVersion 23

    If it is less than 23 than permission will automatically been granted to your app.