I've always used GCM for push notifications in android apps, but for security constraint i'm obliged to avoid GCM and use local push server, i've found a lot of answers for this question but none of them is well structured, i hope to get a clear answer for step by step process to use some XMPP server and client libraries for this topic
You may not fully understand what is GCM and what GCM was designed for.
Traditionally, each desktop applications establish its own TCP connection to its own server, just like you can connect to your Openfire instance and send/receive messages when you want without any third-party services.
This approach have many issues in mobile environment:
To solve these problems, Apple, Google (and also their minor competitors) provide "notification services". They are consists of:
But when you are trying to "avoid GCM" you getting all things to be cared by you, plus:
Your "handmade" persistent network service will interfere with Google's one, and will at least double network and battery usage (or even more, just because your implementation will have errors/other corner cases which are already where solved by Apple/Google big engineering teams)
Your application will dramatically more complex, and you will have much more security issues (as security issues are now handled by you, too) and poor user experience (applications with "own" networking are often have bad UX design, prompting and boring end user with network error messages, for example).
So, to sum up: