I have an AppleScript script that I saved as a .app file and I am simply moves directories in the correct location. The script works perfectly when on my local machine but when I upload it to my server and download from my server (trying to create the user experience) then the script has has a circle and a line running through it with this error:
"You can’t use this version of the application “myapp” with this version of macOS. You have macOS 10.12.3. The application requires macOS 2573.6 or later."
I tried googling macOS 2573.6 and nothing comes up and I have no idea what that is. I don't even think that is a real macOS version. If anyone has any idea how to fix this issue I would be extremely grateful.
You are likely breaking all kinds of attributes in the App Bundle during the transfer.
Compress the app bundle first, then copy that to the server. Then, to test, re-download that archive and uncompress it locally.
It should run.