We are using UWP with Template10. Template10.ViewModelBase
manages change notification. We have a CostTextBlock
bound to ViewModel.Cost
. Using a converter CostTextBlock
updates when ViewModel.Cost
updates. When we bind to a function, Cost renders in the correct format, but does not update.
In the ViewModel we have:
public class ViewModel : ViewModelBase
decimal? _Cost = default(decimal?);
public decimal? Cost
return _Cost;
if (value == 0) value = null;
Set(ref _Cost, value);
Elsewhere in the ViewModel we update Cost:
this.Cost = null;
In App.xaml we define the converter:
<T10Converters:StringFormatConverter x:Key="PriceConverter" Format="{}{0:N2}"/>
In the view:
Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.Cost,Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource PriceConverter}}"/>
We can load the view with an order and Cost renders correctly. Using the converter, when Cost is set to null the change is reflected in the view.
We also have a method which does the same as the converter:
public static string FormatPrice(decimal? price)
if (price == null)
return null;
return ((decimal)price).ToString("N2");
In which case the xaml in the view is
Text="{x:Bind Helpers:Globalisation.FormatPrice(ViewModel.Cost),Mode=OneWay}"
This correctly formats Cost in the view, but the same code used with the converter this.Cost = null;
does not update the view even though Cost is updated.
Why is it that CostTextBlock
does not reflect updates to ViewModel.Cost
when it is bound to FormatPrice
This issue occurred in a few properties which were updated from the viewmodel. I managed to work around this issue using RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(<property>));
is meant to handle change notification and it seems to do so in all cases where controls are bound to properties. If anyone can come up with a better solution or an explanation of why change notification isn't firing in these few cases where controls are bound to functions, I'll happily mark them as answer.