I am working on a project where we receive a flat file but the first and last lines have information that does not fit the fixed width pattern. Is there a way to dataweave all of this information correctly and if possible put the header and footer into variables and just have the contents in the payload.
Example File
HDMTFSBEUP00000220170209130400 MT HD07
DT01870977 FSFSS F3749261 CR00469002017020820170225 0000
DT01870978 FSFSS F3749262 CR00062002017020820170125 0000
TRMTFSBEUP00000220170209130400 000000020000002000000000000043330000000000000 0000
I know for CSV you can skip a line but dont see it with fixed width and also the header and footer will both start with the first 2 letters every time so maybe they can be filtered by dataweave?
Please refer to the DataWeave Flatfile Schemas documentation. There are several examples for processing several different types of data.
In this case, I tried to simplify your example data, and apply a custom schema as follow:
Example data:
Schema/Flat File Definition:
- id: 'test'
name: test
tagStart: 0
tagLength: 2
- { idRef: 'header' }
- { idRef: 'data', count: '>1' }
- { idRef: 'footer' }
- id: 'header'
name: header
tag: 'HD'
- { name: 'header', type: String, length: 39 }
- id: 'data'
name: data
tag: 'DT'
- { name: 'code', type: String, length: 17 }
- id: 'footer'
name: footer
tag: 'TR'
- { name: 'footer', type: String, length: 30 }
The schema will validate the example data and identify based on the tag, the first 2 letters. The output will be grouped accordingly.
"header": {},
"data": [{}, {}],
"footer": {}
Since the expected result is only the data, then just select it: payload.data