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Using Condition in BIDS Helper

I have a power pivot linked to an SSAS cube. I want to have an action menu on pivot to show the detail (like Drill Through) but with a specific filter.

I define the Action Type as Drill Through and add a DAX/MDX statement in Condition input box. However there is no error in my DAX formula, it breaks action menu in Excel and doesn't show the menu.

I have tried below formulas:

"filter('rptLoanExpiringEligibility', [RemainingDaysToPoolMBS] <= 10)"

and this one

[RemainingDaysToPoolMBS] <= 10

Is there anyone who has used the Condition for action? Is there any alternate to achieve this?


  • Change Action Type to Rowset. Change Target Type to Cells. Change Condition to true. Set Expression to:

    "filter('rptLoanExpiringEligibility', [RemainingDaysToPoolMBS] <= 10)"

    There are a few examples here that are slightly different.