I am trying to code a function for my experiment which shows 2 labels above a a coloured rectangle in the middle. Subjects has to press either left or right to categorise the colour with one of the labels above.
I would like to code within in the loop that if accuracy = 1, then the experiment should show an info-text saying their choice was correct, and vice versa if accuracy = 0. After they press enter to continue, it should go back to the original loop and then repeat itself.
How do I do that?
# make a function for one trial of colour practice
def con1_trial(self):
global trial
global key
trial += 1
target_colour = random.choice(colours)
# show one square with gouloboy colour in top right corner of screen
# draw and flip
key, test_answer = event.waitKeys(keyList=['right', 'left', 'escape'], timeStamped = True)[0]
for colour_pair in colour_pairs:
if test_colour == colours[0] and key == "left":
accuracy = 1
elif test_colour == colours[1] and key == "right":
accuracy = 1
elif key == 'escape':
else: accuracy = 0
# records time in ms
rt = (test_answer - test_start)*1000
return accuracy, rt
To make the code neat, first define a feedback function somewhere earlier in your script:
feedback_text = visual.TextStim(win)
def show_feedback(feedback):
# Show feedback on screen
feedback_text.text = feedback
# Wait for key
Following your code add something this:
# Show feedback
if accuracy == 1:
show_feedback('Correct! Well done. Press a key to continue...')
elif accuracy == 0:
show_feedback('Wrong! Press a key to continue...')
... with the correct level of indentation. I always end up having some sort of function to show a message. In show_feedback
you could also add something to quit the experiment:
key = event.waitKeys()[0] # get first key pressed
if key == 'escape':