Search code examples

Why does MATCH return integer relevance instead of float

I've looked into the boolean full text search documentation of mysql, and there is written, that MATCH will return a float value, together with an example. Everywhere else that I found reference to this states the same, MATCH will return a float point by relevance score.

But when I run this query

match( against('banana* strawberr* coconut*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as score
from juices j
order by score desc

I get either a 0 or a 1.

This are some of the lines with a 1 as score:

"Banana and strawberry flavor" 
"Apple and banana juice" 
"Coconuts with pickles"

In my understanding, the "banana and strawberry" line should get a higher score than the other two, since there are two words matching?


  • I just experienced this on one of my tables, where a different table was providing results as expected. Check to verify your table is not set to MyISAM (only returns 1 on match), you'll want InnoDB to get a float value returned on your matches so you can order by matched rank.