Accessing database data and limit to 3 rows only.
I am new to laravel and i dont know how to limit access the rows.Anyone has idea how to get the result the ids 1-3 so that i will save it to my other table?
Sample range of grade to save. Only grades within this range should be save but limiting to 3 data only.
84 to 90
id grade
1 90
2 85
3 85
4 82
5 86
6 84
7 83
8 87
9 88
10 89
public function AddOrgaRequest(Request $request){
$test = new List;
some code
return redirect()->back();
You can use whereBetween
from Laravel's querybuilder to get the data of a column that is between 2 values(eaxmple taken from Laravel docs):
$users = DB::table('users')->whereBetween('votes', [1, 100])->get();
To limit your query results you can use(example taken from Laravel docs):
$users = DB::table('users')
A combination of these methods should get your what you want. After retrieving your results you can save them to another table.