Oracle: 12c
Description: Trying to add 99 years to a date using add_months, which works however it adds an additional day to the return date value. How should i properly add years to a date?
toRetDate DATE;
inputDate DATE;
numYears number;
numYears := 99;
inputDate := TO_DATE('28-FEB-85', 'DD-Mon-YY' );
toRetDate := add_months(inputDate, numYears*12);
You can use this way:
toRetDate DATE;
inputDate DATE;
numYears number;
numYears := 99;
inputDate := TO_DATE('28-FEB-1985', 'DD-Mon-YYYY' );
toRetDate := inputDate + INTERVAL '99' YEAR; --add_months(inputDate, numYears*12);
Although it's worth noting that the arithmetics with intervals is limited (if not broken) because it simply "increments" the month/year value of the date value. That can lead to invalid dates (e.g. from January to February).
In General Add_months
generally adds 30/31
(depending on months) to the date on which its applied. The case is slight different for monthends. If add_months
is done for month of FEBRUARY
, it will add (28/29) days depending its a leap year
or not.
If your requirement is to simple add 99 years
without checking if the resultant date is a valiad or not, then you can use INTERVAL
, but if you really wanted to check if the resultant date should be very well evaluted and correct date then you must your ADD_MONTHS
. It does not make any sense to first use INTERVAL
then check if the resultant date(using any logic) is a valid date or not. Oracle has already provided solution for such scenarios.