I can't able to access this ng-model name viewProfileCtrl.monthsForm.institution
in Controller
<select class="perf-select" ng-model="viewProfileCtrl.monthsForm.institution"
ng-options="inst.institution.institution_id as inst.institution.name for inst in viewProfileCtrl.perfiosAnalysisData.institutions"
<option value="" selected>Select a Bank</option>
if i try to access it show error like this
TypeError: Cannot set property 'institution' of undefined
How i can access this ?
vm.monthsForm.institution = vm.perfiosAnalysisData.institutions[0].institution.institution_id;
In your js, you should define monthsFrom before assigning institution
property in it.
You can do like this :
vm.monthsForm = {
'institution' : vm.perfiosAnalysisData.institutions[0].institution.institution_id;