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Powershell for IIS

I have two different text file having different harder for example as below

Example1.txt having header WebAppName, Version,state,UserIdentityType,Username,Password

Example2.txt having Name,state,application

So I need to concatenating both output into signal text file on Example1.txt using powershell.

Anyone provide solution also I try GC Example1.txt, Example2.txt | add-content Example1.txt But I don't get results as expected due to different harder.



  • As you only want to concatenate the two files you can simply get their contents and loop over all the lines and concatenate them into a new line:

    $example1 = Get-Content .Example1.ps1;
    $example2 = Get-Content .\Example2.ps1
    $output = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new();
    for($c = 0; $c -lt $example1.Count; $c++) 
        $null = $output.Append($example1[$c]); 
        $null = $output.Append(','); 
        $null = $output.AppendLine($example2[$c]); 
    $sb.ToString() | Out-File .\Output.txt

    You certainly have to make sure, that both files have the same number of lines.