For yesterday's Pi Day, Matt Harper published a video in which he approximated Pi by rolling two 120-sided dice 500 times (see the video here). Basically, for each pair of random numbers, you have to check whether they are coprime or not. Then, the formula
pi = sqrt(6/(n_coprimes/n_cofactors)) # EDIT: Wrong premise. Misremembered the formula.
is calculated.
His result was about 3.05 which is rather close.
I wanted to see what happens when more rolls are done or when the range of random integers is increased. Interestingly, my program nearly always gave a result of 3.05 or close to it, no matter how high I set the iterations or the random range.
Here is my program. I ran it on Python 3.6 (Win64). The random number generator Python uses is supposed to be very good, so maybe I've made a mistake in my program?
import random
from math import gcd, sqrt
def pi(cp, cf):
return sqrt(6/(cf/cp)) # EDIT: Second error - switched numerator/denominator...
coprime = 0
cofactor = 0
iterations = 1000000
for i in range(iterations):
x = random.randint(0,1000000)
y = random.randint(0,1000000)
if gcd(x,y) > 1:
cofactor += 1
coprime += 1
print(pi(coprime, cofactor))
I haven't watched the video, but your formula is wrong.
The probability that two ints picked randomly from 1 to N are coprime tends to 6/pi^2 as N tends to infinity. That's cp/(cf + cp) and not cp/cf.
Replacing your pi
with this:
def pi(cp, cf):
fcp = cp / float(cp + cf)
return sqrt(6/fcp)
Gives 3.14263472915 when I run it on my machine.