I need to secure my paid google map API key in google developer console. I had try this in 'Credentials' tab, in api key settings. Field label 'Accept requests from these HTTP referrers ...'.
If I'm right, this *.dev2.urelay.xyz/*
must be useful for this URL - https://dev2.urelay.xyz/
But it doesn't work for me, I got this error in my console
Google Maps API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#referer-not-allowed-map-error
Your site URL to be authorized: https://dev2.urelay.xyz/
doesn't match https://dev2.urelay.xyz/
because it requires a period (.
) that isn't in that URL.
would match it. You only need the form *.dev2.urelay.xyz/*
if you have a subdomain of dev2 that needs to host a map (like https://www.dev2.urelay.xyz/