Here's the item from the View
@Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.BirthDate)
Here's the code from the EditorTemplate (simplified)
@ModelType Date?
@Html.TextBox("", Model)
but the output doesn't have the span tags.
The datatype of the model.BirthDate
is Date?
The folder structure is
Ok, so after some digging, I found that if I add <UIHint("Date")>
to my BuddyClass, then the template works.
So my "new" question would be... why wouldn't it pick this up by default?
Well. @Brad Wilson answered my question over at the forums.
The default template name is based on the CLR type name, in this case DateTime. "Date" is a shortcut name in VB, not the real type name (much like "int" in C# is really a shortcut for CLR's "Int32")
Now I get it. Thanks @Brad