I implemented that strchr()
global strchr
cmp byte[rdi], 0
je end
cmp [rdi], sil
je end
add rdi, 1
jmp strchr
end: mov rax, rdi
When I preload it as .so using,
export LD_PRELOAD=abs/path/to/lib.so
Ubuntu 16.04 crashes. Sometimes it completly crahses, sometimes it displays SIGILL (corrupted data ?).
When I preload it using opensuse 4, it works.
Any idea why ?
Thanks to Michael Petch :
That strchr() doesn't conform to manual for it doesn't return NULL when character is not found.
Fixed strchr() :
global strchr
cmp [rdi], sil;first check for character (useful if user searches '\0')
je end
cmp byte[rdi], 0;then if it is EoS and the character is not in the string, return NULL
je eos
add rdi, 1
jmp strchr
eos: mov rax, 0
end: mov rax, rdi