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WebApi set defualt values to all parameters

I'm in the middle of migrating our server from SOAP to REST. I'm using swashbuckle to generate the api documentation and autorest to create the clients.

I have alot of methods with signatures that allow:

1) Nullable values

2) Strings that may allow null values

For instance a method like this:

public void SetGlobalDataForSite(string wsKey, int? siteId, string title,
 string keywords, string homepagetitle, bool isValidValue)

Doesn't need to have a value for siteId, keywords or homepagetitle.

As far as i know to allow these values to be null i should convert the method to something like this:

public void SetGlobalDataForSite(string wsKey, string title, bool isValidValue,
 int? siteId = null, string keywords = null, string homepagetitle = null)

Now this causes alot of problems:

1) Since i'm changing the signature it's very error prone

2) It's alot of work, i have about 300 methods to change

3) I also need to change the client code which can induce even more bugs

Is there a way to mark these properties as nullable without changing the signarue? Maybe i'm missing something. Creating a request class for most methods could work, but then again i'm generation alot of useless code.

Any ideas would be appreciated :)


  • You will have to put in one time effort to convert -- usually safe options can be either accept parameter in the form of object (it can be JObject or class or even Tuple in latest version of C#)