I am developing an App that works with Google Fit, but for some reason I can't get them both versions to work at the same time.
Before recreating the credentials again, it was the other way around: Development was working and Production wasn't.
I enabled the Api and added the credentials:
The generated KetStore contains 2 keys, one for production and another one for development. Each one was set in the Credentials page accordingly to its package name (see Android App).
Our App has 2 different package names:
This was achieved with the Gradle config, using flavours. This way we have 2 Apps on the mobile for testing purposes.
I have no idea what conflict it's happening that doesn't let me have them both working.
I only have 1 working at the same time, and the one that doesn't work gets CANCELLED
result on the LogCat.
Maybe having the same package prefix (xxx.yyy.) is an issue and therefore, reads the wrong credential?
Any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks.
It turned out that Android Studio
wasn't using my keystore
when compiling the APK
. It was still using the default debug.keystore
with alias AndroidDebugKey
and android
For some reason, it wasn't reading my signing config for the development
environment, but it was for production
In order to check what signing is each Build Variant
Open a project
Open Gradle
tab on the right
Expand <your_project> ==> Tasks ==> Android
Double click on singingReport
(this will create a Gradle
type Run/Debug Configuration
Open Gradle Console
located in the bottom right
At this point you should see some of these:
Variant: developmentDebug
Config: debug
Store: /Users/<username>/.android/debug.keystore
Alias: AndroidDebugKey
Valid until: <date>
Make sure the SHA1
for each variant is the same as the one specified in the Credentials