In Java there is DecimalFormat
which supports
-> 3.140
-> 300.000
-> 03.142#.##%
-> 314.16%pie is ###.##
-> pie is 3.14but I cannot find an equivalent function in Swift for iOS.
There is NumberFormatter
, but that does not support pie is ###.##
, and setting all properties in code is inconvenient:
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.numberStyle = .currencyAccounting
I am curious about if there is a format both supported by Java & Swift, that will be very useful in React Native (define the format in js)
has positiveFormat
and negativeFormat
properties, which are format patterns according to the Unicode Technical Standard #35. These seem to be compatible
with the Java DecimalFormat
let posNumber = NSNumber(value: Double.pi)
let negNumber = NSNumber(value: -Double.pi)
let f1 = NumberFormatter()
f1.positiveFormat = "00.000"
print(f1.string(from: posNumber)!) // 03.142
print(f1.string(from: negNumber)!) // -03.142
let f2 = NumberFormatter()
f2.positiveFormat = "pie is ###.## "
print(f2.string(from: posNumber)!) // pie is 3.14
The numbers are formatted according to the current locale (so the output
can be 3,14
as well). If that is not intended, add
f2.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
If you don't set negativeFormat
then the positive format with
a prepended minus sign will be used for negative numbers.
That works well in the first example, but not with custom text:
print(f2.string(from: negNumber)!) // -pie is 3.14
This is solved by setting both the positive and negative format:
let f3 = NumberFormatter()
f3.positiveFormat = "Result is 00.000"
f3.negativeFormat = "Result is -00.000"
print(f3.string(from: posNumber)!) // Result is 03.142
print(f3.string(from: negNumber)!) // Result is -03.142
On macOS, the format
property can be used instead, positive
and (optional) negative format are separated by a semicolon.
In the above examples that would be:
f2.format = "pie is ###.##"
f3.format = "Result is 00.000;Result is -00.000"