I am looping over a number of csv data files using R/spark. About 1% of each file must be retained (filtered based on certain criteria) and merged with the next data file (I have used union
). However, as the loop runs, the lineage of the data gets longer and longer as spark remembers all the previous datasets and filter()
Is there a way to do checkpointing in spark R API? I have learned that spark 2.1 has checkpointing for DataFrames but this seems not to be made available from R.
We got the same issue with Scala/GraphX on a quite large graph (few billions of data) and the search for connected components .
I'm not sure what is available in R for your specific version, but a usual workaround is to break the lineage by "saving" the data then reloading it. In our case, we break the lineage every 15 iterations:
def refreshGraph[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](g: Graph[VD, ED], checkpointDir: String, iterationCount: Int, numPartitions: Int): Graph[VD, ED] = {
val path = checkpointDir + "/iter-" + iterationCount
saveGraph(g, path)
loadGraph(path, numPartitions)