I have a contrived Modelica model in which a have a state machine variable manipulated by multiple when
model WhenExample
type State = enumeration(first, second, third);
State state;
initial equation
state = State.first;
when sample(0, 1) then
state = State.second;
end when;
when sample(0, 3) then
state = State.third;
end when;
end WhenExample;
When compiling under OpenModelica OMC, I get the following error:
[1] 16:46:39 Symbolic Error
Too many equations, over-determined system. The model has 2 equation(s) and 1 variable(s).
This kinda makes sense as I do have two equations for my single state
variable. However, those equations only apply at discrete points in time, right?
Do I need to make sure all "manipulations" of a particular variable happen only in a single when
See Modelica Spec, section 8.5 Events and Synchronization: https://www.modelica.org/documents/ModelicaSpec33Revision1.pdf
Just before section 8.6 there is an example that should help you. Some code based on that is given below:
model WhenExample
parameter Integer multiplySample = 3;
Boolean fastSample, slowSample;
Integer ticks(start=0);
type State = enumeration(first, second, third);
State state(start = State.first);
fastSample = sample(0,1);
when fastSample then
ticks := if pre(ticks) < multiplySample then pre(ticks)+1 else 0;
slowSample := pre(ticks) == 0;
state := State.second;
end when;
when slowSample then
state := State.third;
end when;
end WhenExample;