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Azure Media Services Live Video Streaming download stored video

i need to download a video that was live streaming with Azure Media Services, and saved as an event, is it possible to download it? i dont have experience with videos


  • Yeah, that's not quite correct. To really "download" the live archive, you have to run it through an Encoding job to convert it from a live archive (fragmented MP4 format) into a single MP4 file (or other format) that you can actually download.

    What I would do is use the Azure Media Services Explorer tool ( to get the Live Event's underlying AssetID and submit that to an encoding job. The issue with the portal is that we don't currently give you a way to click through from the "Live Event" recording to the actual stored Asset (I'll get somebody to fix that! or provide a simple, Encode for Download button).

    In the portal you can also "search" in the Assets list for the underlying asset. It should be named {channelname}-{live event name}. You can then click on that and use the "Encode" button to submit a single-bitrate encoding job.

    Hope that helps!

    -John D.