If I have a class
or case class
whose parameters are long enough to not fit in a single line like:
case class Foo(foo1: String, foo2: String, foo3: Int, foo4: Char, foo5: Long, foo6: Double, foo7: Array[Int])
To improve readability, how should it be splitted into several lines? Is there a convention for this in Scala?
For the auto-formatters in Scala that I've seen, if you break it into multiple lines at all the formatter will do this:
case class Foo(
foo1: String,
foo2: String,
foo3: Int,
foo4: Char,
foo5: Long,
foo6: Double,
foo7: Array[Int]
You may also want to consider if any of those parameters can be grouped into a case class of their own though, reducing the number of parameters.