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How can I run this command using wand-py and imagemagick

I'm attempting to recreate the following command using wand-py and imagemagick:

convert -density 500 hello_world.pdf -quality 100 -monochrome -enhance – morphology close diamond hello_world.jpg


  • You'll need to bind methods from MagickCore, and MagickWand libraries. Keep in mind that Kernel performance can differ widely between systems, so don't be surprised if you hit a `Operation canceled' message when working with large density images.

    import ctypes
    from wand.api import libmagick, library
    from wand.image import Image
    Kernel info methods on MagickCore library.
    libmagick.AcquireKernelInfo.argtypes = (ctypes.c_char_p,)
    libmagick.AcquireKernelInfo.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
    libmagick.DestroyKernelInfo.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
    libmagick.DestroyKernelInfo.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
    Morphology method on MagickWand library.
    library.MagickMorphologyImage.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,  # wand
                                              ctypes.c_int,     # method
                                              ctypes.c_long,    # iterations
                                              ctypes.c_void_p)  # kernel
    Enhance method on MagickWand library.
    library.MagickEnhanceImage.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)    # wand
    # convert -density 500 hello_world.pdf
    with Image(filename='pdf-sample.pdf', resolution=500) as img:
        # -quality 100
        img.compression_quality = 100
        # -monochrome
        img.quantize(2,       # Target colors
                     'gray',  # Colorspace
                     1,       # Treedepth
                     False,   # No Dither
                     False)   # Quantization error
        # -enhance
        # -morphology close diamond
        p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b'Diamond')
        kernel = libmagick.AcquireKernelInfo(p)
        CloseMorphology = 9  # See `morphology.h'
        library.MagickMorphologyImage(img.wand, CloseMorphology, 1, kernel)
        kernel = libmagick.DestroyKernelInfo(kernel) # Free memory
        # hello_world.jpg'hello_world.jpg')