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Spring bean autowiring based on property

I want to specify in property file, which bean will be autowired.
I found the solutions but all of them are using @Profile annotation, which means that they are based on specified profile, not specified property.

I did it in that way:

public class WebServiceFactory {
    private String webService;
    private GraphQLService graphQLService;
    private RestService restService;

    WebService getWebService() {
        switch (webService) {
            case "graphQlService":
                return graphQLService;
            case "restService":
                return restService;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported web service.");

Bean type I want to autowire is interface WebService, GraphQLService and RestService are it's implementations.
Is there any better way to do this?


  • You can do this using the normal configuration of Spring.

    class A{
     B bBean;
     ...//setters/getters here.
    class B{}

    You can have a configuration file (It also can be a configuration class)

    <bean id = "a" class = "A">
          <property name="bBean" ref="b"/>     
    <bean id = "b" class = "B">   

    The bBean configuration can be in a different file, so you can import it from you classpath. Instead of using a property file you use a configuration file in the classpath o systemfile. If B is a different implementation then you modify your config file with the right class.