I need to export the attribute Demographics from the table Person.Person -- in XML -- from SQL Server database AdventureWorks2014 into R to make some statistical analysis. I would like to use the package XML but it looks like R doesn't recognize my file as XML when I am exporting it.
Does someone know a way to go straight from SQL to R with some package? Without exporting the data into CSV before?
One of my tuple in SQL looks like this:
<IndividualSurvey xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/IndividualSurvey">
<Education>Graduate Degree</Education>
<CommuteDistance>0-1 Miles</CommuteDistance>
I would like to have different attributes in R like this:
TotalPurchaseYTD DateFirstPurchase BirthDate MaritalStatus YearlyIncome...
-31 2003-11-01 1962-07-26 S 0-25000 ....
we can use:
df <- read_xml(x) %>% as_list %>% sapply(rbind) %>% as.data.frame
# TotalPurchaseYTD DateFirstPurchase BirthDate MaritalStatus YearlyIncome Gender TotalChildren NumberChildrenAtHome Education Occupation HomeOwnerFlag NumberCarsOwned CommuteDistance
# 1 -31 2003-11-01Z 1962-07-26Z S 0-25000 M 1 0 1 Graduate Degree Manual 0 0 0-1 Miles