Accidentally I deleted viewA
having activity actA
. Now I could find the activity actA
still existed in the stream.
I could again create a view with same name viewA
but when I do cleartool lsact
it does not list any activity.
I am able to do setact viewA
manually but I want to link this activity to the viewA
so that when I issue cleartool lsact
my activity actA
should be listed by default.
That activity can still be listed with cleartool lsact
cleartool lsact -in yourStream@/vobs/yourPVob
The best course of action, once you have create a similar UCM view on the same stream, is to associate your activity back to that new view with cleartool setact
cd /path/to/new/UCM/view/vobs/myvob
cleartool setact anActivity@/vobs/yourPVob