Having the following code
var v interface{}
v = rune(1)
switch v.(type) {
case int32:
case rune:
I get a compilation error
tmp/sandbox193184648/main.go:14: duplicate case rune in type switch
previous case at tmp/sandbox193184648/main.go:12
If I instead wrap the rune in my own type, the type-switch compiles and works
type myrune rune
var v interface{}
v = myrune(1)
switch v.(type) {
case int32:
case myrune:
see https://play.golang.org/p/2lMRlpCLzX
Why is that? How can I distinguish a rune and int32 in a type-switch?
It's an alias for int32, apparently you can't distinguish them. If you really needed to, defining your own type to wrap one of them would be the way to go, why did you need to do so?
No, you can't differentiate them. rune is an alias for int32, and byte is an alias for uint8.