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How to put a picture into a pop up window in javascript?

I have this script, however, I cannot figure out how to get an image to show up in the pop up window. Right now, when the window pops up, I only get script. I have tried to enter a link using the href code and the

 <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> 

var w = 480, h = 340;

if (document.getElementById) {
   w = screen.availWidth;
   h = screen.availHeight;

var popW = 300, popH = 200;

var leftPos = (w-popW)/2;
var topPos = (h-popH)/2;

msgWindow ='','popup','width=' + popW + ',height=' + popH + 
                         ',top=' + topPos + ',left=' + leftPos + ',       scrollbars=yes');

    ('<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Centered Window</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FORM    NAME="form1">' +
    ' <H1>Notice the centered popup window.</H1>This is the ordinary HTML' + 
    ' document that can be created on the fly.  But the window is centered   in ' +
    ' the browser.  Click the button below to close the window.<br />' +
    '<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="OK"onClick="window.close();"></FORM></BODY>   </HTML>');

<input type="button" onClick="openWindow()" value="Click Me">


  • Try this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
    <title>Insert title here</title>
    <script src=""></script>
     <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> 
    var w = 480, h = 340;
    function openWindow(){
    if (document.getElementById) {
       w = screen.availWidth;
       h = screen.availHeight;
    var popW = 800, popH = 700;
    var leftPos = (w-popW)/2;
    var topPos = (h-popH)/2;
    msgWindow ='','popup','width=' + popW + ',height=' + popH + 
                             ',top=' + topPos + ',left=' + leftPos + ',       scrollbars=yes');
        ('<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Centered Window</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FORM    NAME="form1">' +
        '<img src="">'+
        ' <H1>Notice the centered popup window.</H1>This is the ordinary HTML' + 
        ' document that can be created on the fly.  But the window is centered   in ' +
        ' the browser.  Click the button below to close the window.<br />' +
        '<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="OK"onClick="window.close();"></FORM></BODY>   </HTML>');
    <input type="button" onClick="openWindow()" value="Click Me">