import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# I'm trying to code the utter basic func of LinearRegression
# from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
dataframe = pd.read_fwf('brain_body.txt') # link given below
x_values = dataframe[['Brain']]
y_values = dataframe[['Body']]
lr = LinearRegression(0.0001, 10) # sending learning_rate and iterations, y_values)
# commenting out because the values are insane
# plt.scatter(x_values, y_values)
# plt.plot(x_values, clf.predict(x_values))
Link to brain_body.txt
Here's the class I've written
class LinearRegression:
def __init__(self, learning_rate, iterations):
self.b = 0 # b as in y=mx+b
self.m = 0 # m as in y=mx+b
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.iterations = iterations
def get_y(self, x):
return self.m * float(x) + self.b
def step_gradient(self, x_values, y_values):
print("Values before: m =", self.m, " b =", self.b)
m_gradient = 0
b_gradient = 0
N = float(len(x_values.ix[:, 0]))
print('%11s' % "d(m)", '%11s' % "m_gradient", '%11s' % "d(b)", '%11s' % "b_gradient")
for i in range(int(N)):
x = x_values.iloc[i][0]
y = y_values.iloc[i][0]
# EDIT: I missed a * -1 here
# But that wouldn't just fix everything, adjusting learning rate does
pm = (y - self.get_y(x)) * x # partial derivative of m
pb = (y - self.get_y(x)) * -1 # partial derivative of b
m_gradient += pm * 2 / N
b_gradient += pb * 2 / N
print('%11s' % pm, '%11s' % m_gradient, '%11s' % pb, '%11s' % b_gradient)
self.m -= self.learning_rate * m_gradient # adjust current m
self.b -= self.learning_rate * b_gradient # adjust current b
print("Values after: m =", self.m, " b =", self.b)
def fit(self, x_values, y_values): # equivalent to train_model
for i in range(self.iterations):
self.step_gradient(x_values, y_values)
def predict(self, x_values): # equivalent to get_output
predictions = []
for x in x_values.ix[:, 0]:
return predictions
I watched Siraj Raval's How to do Linear Regression the right way and followed almost the same way he did. I did learn what partial derivatives and gradient descents are, but I do not what the values of partial derivatives be (or to guess them). And the numbers are going like crazy in the first iteration itself:
Values before: m = 0 b = 0
d(m) m_gradient d(b) b_gradient
150.6325 4.85911290323 -44.5 -1.43548387097
7.44 5.09911290323 -15.5 -1.93548387097
10.935 5.45185483871 -8.1 -2.19677419355
196695.0 6350.45185484 -423.0 -15.8419354839
4341.435 6490.49814516 -119.5 -19.6967741935
3180.9 6593.10782258 -115.0 -23.4064516129
1456.306 6640.08543548 -98.2 -26.5741935484
5.72 6640.26995161 -5.5 -26.7516129032
243.02 6648.10930645 -58.0 -28.6225806452
2.72 6648.19704839 -6.4 -28.8290322581
0.404 6648.21008065 -4.0 -28.9580645161
5.244 6648.37924194 -5.7 -29.1419354839
6.6 6648.59214516 -6.6 -29.3548387097
0.0007 6648.59216774 -0.14 -29.3593548387
0.06 6648.59410323 -1.0 -29.3916129032
37.8 6649.81345806 -10.8 -29.74
24.6 6650.60700645 -12.3 -30.1367741935
10.71 6650.95249032 -6.3 -30.34
11723841.0 384839.371845 -4603.0 -178.823870968
0.0069 384839.372068 -0.3 -178.833548387
78394.9 387368.23981 -419.0 -192.349677419
341255.0 398376.465616 -655.0 -213.478709677
2.7475 398376.554245 -3.5 -213.591612903
1150.0 398413.651019 -115.0 -217.301290323
84.48 398416.376181 -25.6 -218.127096774
1.0 398416.408439 -5.0 -218.288387097
24.675 398417.204406 -17.5 -218.852903226
359720.0 410021.075374 -680.0 -240.788387097
84042.0 412732.107632 -406.0 -253.88516129
27625.0 413623.236665 -325.0 -264.369032258
9.225 413623.534245 -12.3 -264.765806452
81840.0 416263.534245 -1320.0 -307.346451613
38007648.0 1642316.69554 -5712.0 -491.604516129
13.65 1642317.13586 -3.9 -491.730322581
1217.2 1642356.40037 -179.0 -497.504516129
1960.0 1642419.62618 -56.0 -499.310967742
68.85 1642421.84715 -17.0 -499.859354839
0.12 1642421.85102 -1.0 -499.891612903
0.0092 1642421.85132 -0.4 -499.904516129
0.0025 1642421.8514 -0.25 -499.912580645
17.5 1642422.41591 -12.5 -500.315806452
122500.0 1646374.02882 -490.0 -516.122258065
30.25 1646375.00462 -12.1 -516.512580645
9712.5 1646688.31107 -175.0 -522.157741935
15700.0 1647194.76269 -157.0 -527.222258065
22950.4 1647935.09817 -440.0 -541.415806452
1893.725 1647996.18607 -179.5 -547.206129032
1.32 1647996.22865 -2.4 -547.283548387
4860.0 1648153.00285 -81.0 -549.896451613
75.6 1648155.44156 -21.0 -550.573870968
168.0896 1648160.8638 -39.2 -551.838387097
0.532 1648160.88096 -1.9 -551.899677419
0.09 1648160.88387 -1.2 -551.938387097
0.366 1648160.89567 -3.0 -552.03516129
0.01584 1648160.89619 -0.33 -552.045806452
34560.0 1649275.73489 -180.0 -557.852258065
75.0 1649278.15425 -25.0 -558.658709677
27040.0 1650150.41231 -169.0 -564.110322581
2.34 1650150.4878 -2.6 -564.194193548
18.468 1650151.08354 -11.4 -564.561935484
0.26 1650151.09193 -2.5 -564.642580645
213.444 1650157.97722 -50.4 -566.268387097
Values after: m = -165.015797722 b = 0.0566268387097
Values after 10 iteration: m = -1.76899770934e+22 b = 4.21166966984e+18
How do I rightly do LinearRegression from scratch?
This might not be a true answer as it's using R
(I could probably figure this out in python
, but it would take me longer). I think your issue is in the size of your learning_rate
. I'm taking this machine learning class at the moment and so I'm familiar with what you're doing and attempted to implement it myself. Here was my code:
## create test data
data <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
n <- nrow(data)
## initialize values
m <- 0
b <- 0
alpha <- 0.01
iters <- 100
results <- data.frame(i = 1:iters,
pm = 1:iters,
pb = 1:iters,
m = 1:iters,
b = 1:iters)
for (i in 1:iters) {
y_hat <- (m * data$x) + b
pm <- (1/n) * sum((y_hat - data$y) * data$x)
pb <- (1/n) * sum(y_hat - data$y)
m <- m - (alpha * pm)
b <- b - (alpha * pb)
## uncomment if you want; shows "animated" change
## p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point()
## p <- p + geom_abline(intercept = b, slope = m)
## print(p)
## this turned out to be key for looking at output
results[i, 2:5] <- c(pm, pb, m, b)
Now, note the end of results
with a big alpha, 0.1
> tail(results)
i pm pb m b
95 95 -2.864612e+45 -4.114745e+44 2.135518e+44 3.067470e+43
96 96 8.390457e+45 1.205210e+45 -6.254938e+44 -8.984628e+43
97 97 -2.457567e+46 -3.530062e+45 1.832073e+45 2.631600e+44
98 98 7.198218e+46 1.033956e+46 -5.366146e+45 -7.707961e+44
99 99 -2.108360e+47 -3.028460e+46 1.571745e+46 2.257664e+45
100 100 6.175391e+47 8.870365e+46 -4.603646e+46 -6.612702e+45
See how m
and b
are flip flopping? The learning rate alpha
is so high that alpha * derivative
are jumping over the minima! In the linked class this is shown in the gradient descent videos, but the concept is the same as this image I found:
Look at results
using alpha = 0.01
> tail(results)
i pm pb m b
95 95 -0.003483741 0.02425319 0.9834438 0.1152615
96 96 -0.003476426 0.02420226 0.9834785 0.1150195
97 97 -0.003469127 0.02415144 0.9835132 0.1147780
98 98 -0.003461842 0.02410073 0.9835478 0.1145370
99 99 -0.003454573 0.02405012 0.9835824 0.1142965
100 100 -0.003447319 0.02399962 0.9836169 0.1140565
It's slow, but we're honing in on m = 1
and b = 0
as expected. With your real data, I had a similar issue. The main code body is the same, with this replacing the data <- data.frame()
line at the beginning:
data <- read.table(file = "",
header = T, sep = "", stringsAsFactors = F)
names(data) <- c("y", "x")
Everything else is the same, except that I played with alpha
and iters
. Here's what I found!
## your learning rate; diverging/flip-flopping
## alpha <- 0.0001
> tail(results)
i pm pb m b
95 95 -3.842565e+190 -1.167811e+187 3.801319e+186 1.155276e+183
96 96 3.541406e+192 1.076285e+189 -3.503393e+188 -1.064732e+185
97 97 -3.263851e+194 -9.919315e+190 3.228817e+190 9.812842e+186
98 98 3.008048e+196 9.141894e+192 -2.975760e+192 -9.043766e+188
99 99 -2.772294e+198 -8.425404e+194 2.742537e+194 8.334966e+190
100 100 2.555018e+200 7.765068e+196 -2.527592e+196 -7.681718e+192
## 1/10 as big; still diverging!
## alpha <- 0.00001
> tail(results)
i pm pb m b
95 95 -2.453089e+92 -7.455293e+88 2.189776e+87 6.655047e+83
96 96 2.040052e+93 6.200012e+89 -1.821074e+88 -5.534508e+84
97 97 -1.696559e+94 -5.156089e+90 1.514452e+89 4.602638e+85
98 98 1.410902e+95 4.287936e+91 -1.259457e+90 -3.827672e+86
99 99 -1.173342e+96 -3.565957e+92 1.047397e+91 3.183190e+87
100 100 9.757815e+96 2.965541e+93 -8.710418e+91 -2.647222e+88
## even smaller; that's better!
## alpha <- 0.000001
> tail(results)
i pm pb m b
95 95 -0.01579109 51.95899 0.8856351 -0.004667159
96 96 -0.01579107 51.95894 0.8856352 -0.004719118
97 97 -0.01579106 51.95889 0.8856352 -0.004771077
98 98 -0.01579104 51.95885 0.8856352 -0.004823036
99 99 -0.01579103 51.95880 0.8856352 -0.004874995
100 100 -0.01579102 51.95875 0.8856352 -0.004926953
With this final result, I plotted the results which look reasonable?
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point()
p <- p + geom_abline(intercept = b, slope = m)
So, to wrap up:
and try with a test to verify behaviorHope that helps!