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Convert RestAssured to RestTemplate

Could anyone please help me with refactoring the code below to Spring RestTemplate? postLogin is a method that is used in junit e2e tests later on.

public class LoginLogoutAPI {

    private static final LoginLogoutAPI INSTANCE = new LoginLogoutAPI();
    private static final String LOGIN_ENDPOINT = "/auth/login";

    public static LoginLogoutAPI getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

    public ValidatableResponse postLogin(String login, String password) {
        return given()
                .body(getCustomerCredentialsJson(login, password))

    private Map<String, String> getCustomerCredentialsJson(String login, String password) {
        Map<String, String> customer = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        customer.put("login", login);
        customer.put("password", password);
        return customer;


  • Assuming that you had everything here correct I am going to make a implementation of Rest Template Exchange method to make the post call and capture the response in ValidatableResponse.

    public class LoginLogoutAPI {
        private static final LoginLogoutAPI INSTANCE = new LoginLogoutAPI();
        private static final String LOGIN_ENDPOINT = "/auth/login";
        public static LoginLogoutAPI getInstance() {
            return INSTANCE;
        public ValidatableResponse postLogin(String login, String password) {
            HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            HttpEntity<byte[]> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<byte[]>(headers);
            UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(LOGIN_ENDPOINT)
            URI uri=builder.buildAndExpand().toUri();
            ResponseEntity<ValidatableResponse> rs =, HttpMethod.POST, httpEntity,ValidatableResponse.class);
            return rs.getBody();

    It is an implementation but not a working sample as I don't have the workspace setup. You do have to replace your LOGIN_ENDPOINT with the complete URL for the rest template.

    Let me know if you need clarification!