I have the following class, with a method that hides (or shadows) a builtin function. I want the documentation to contain a "See Also" section, that links to the builtin function that is hidden.
classdef CatHelper
%CATHELPER Makes implementing vertcat/horzcat easy on a custom class
% See Also: cat
methods (Abstract)
obj = cat(obj, ndim, varargin);
Unfortunately, the "see also" link just tries to give help on the undocumented abstract method CatHelper/cat
How do I specify that I want the link to go to the builtin cat
After playing around a bit with doc.m\resolveTopic()
, I came up with the three options as shown below. The top one (\cat
) gives the best result, but you should use whichever you feel is the least ambiguous in your case.
% See Also: \cat
% See Also: elmat\cat
% See Also: matlab\elmat\cat
These were found by passing topic = 'cat'
matlab.internal.language.introspective.resolveName(topic, '', false);