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Hbase: put multiple versions of a row at the same time using JSON

From Cloudera Hbase REST API docs this is XML structure to PUT multiple rows at the same time.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Row key="cm93NQo=">
      <Cell column="Y2Y6ZQo=">dmFsdWU1Cg==</Cell>
      <Cell column="Y2Y6ZQo=">dmFsdWU1Cg==</Cell>
    <Row key="cm93NQo=">
      <Cell column="Y2Y6ZQo=">dmFsdWU1Cg==</Cell>

Q: How do I do it using JSON?

What I've tried so far:

  1. With CellSet key, having following error:

Error 500 Unrecognized field "CellSet" (Class, not marked as ignorable

      "CellSet": {
        "Row": [
            "key": "cm93NQo=",
            "Cell": [
                "column": "Y2Y6ZQo=",
                "$": "dmFsdWU1Cg=="
                "column": "Y2Y6ZQo=",
                "$": "dmFsdWU1Cg=="
            "key": "cm93NQo=",
            "Cell": [
                "column": "Y2Y6ZQo=",
                "$": "dmFsdWU1Cg=="

  1. Without CellSet key, without errors and with only one version per row:

   "Row": [
      "key": "cm93NQo=",
      "Cell": [
          "column": "Y2Y6ZQo=",
          "$": "dmFsdWU1Cg=="
          "column": "Y2Y6ZQo=",
          "$": "dmFsdWU1Cg=="
      "key": "cm93NQo=",
      "Cell": [
          "column": "Y2Y6ZQo=",
          "$": "dmFsdWU1Cg=="


  • Sure you can't insert multiple versions of a row if they will have the same timestamp. In your example data is identified only with row key and a column. I did not work with Cloudera and never used HBase REST api, but according to source code on github, CellModel allows to set cell timestamp. So I suggest to add it to your request:

    "Row": [
          "key": "myRowKey",
          "Cell": [
              "column": "myColumn",
              "$": "value1",
              "timestamp" : 1473379200
              "column": "myColumn",
              "$": "value2",
              "timestamp" : 1470000000

    Also, in your example there are two rows with same key, check that data is correct