NOTE: im pretty new to wso2 esb, if this Question is duplicated please mark it and post the original Question.
I want just to let the wso esb parse the content of the request to the endpoint(http). But on sending, im getting no response from the esb. The way is API->InSequence->HttpEndpoint.
the log doesnt say anything.
What am i doing wrong? The Sequence:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence name="fileupload" xmlns="">
<log level="full"/>
<http method="POST" uri-template="ĥttp://">
<property name="enctype" scope="axis2" value="multipart/form-data"/>
Regards Liz3
I found the solution pretty simple, the best way is to use the proxy system, because it can handle files.