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How to retrieve all users and all roles from Kohana 3 using Auth module?

Can I recive list of all users with all roles? I need to know all roles of every user in my database. I am using Auth module in Kohana 3.3 with ORM.


  • Yes you can. But I can not understand why you want to do such a thing suboptimal.

    1. FULL ORM:

    $users = ORM::factory('Auth_User')->find_all();
    foreach($users as $user) {
        $roles = $user->roles->find_all();
        foreach($roles as $role)

    2. Universal SQL (hint):

    SELECT * FROM users 
    INNER JOIN user_roles USING(user_id) 
    INNER JOIN roles USING(role_id) 


    • user_1 role_1
    • user_1 role_2
    • user_2 role_x

    3. Easy display SQL (but you change code on every adding new role)

    SELECT users.*, IF(r1.user_id IS NULL, 0, 1) AS role1, IF(r2.user_id IS NULL, 0, 1) AS role2, IF(rn.user_id IS NULL, 0, 1) AS rolen FROM users LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM user_roles where role_id = 1) AS r1 USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM user_roles where role_id = 2) AS r2 USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM user_roles where role_id = n) AS rn USING(user_id)

    Results: username | role1 | role2 | rolen user1 | 1 | 0 | 0 user2 | 0 | 1 | 1