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Is it possible to play a Song from iOS Music Library with AVAudioEngine?

i have succesfully created a AVAudioEngine. It plays local sound-files from the project-directory. But how can I get access to the Music Library on the phone?

Is there a way I can combine AVAudioEngine with the MPMediaPickerController ?

Thank you


  • Yes :)

    You need to set the MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate on your MPMediaPickerController so you will get notified when the user does something in the MPMediaPickerController. Here are the methods you can use on MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate.

    As you can see, there is the method mediaPicker(_:didPickMediaItems:) which is called when the user has picked a song to play. That gives you a (MPMediaItemCollection) which has items containing the songs which the user picked.

    You can loop through that collection and look at the individual items which are of type MPMediaItem.

    Finally each MPMediaItem has an assetURL which you can to create the individual nodes in your AVAudioEngine.

    So...something along the lines of:

    Where You Create Your MPMediaPickerController

    let mediaPicker = MPMediaPickerController(mediaTypes: .anyAudio)
    mediaPicker.delegate = self
    present(mediaPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)

    Delegate Methods

    public func mediaPicker(_ mediaPicker: MPMediaPickerController, didPickMediaItems mediaItemCollection: MPMediaItemCollection) {
      for item in mediaItemCollection.items {
         if let assetURL = item.assetURL {
            //There you go :)

    Remember to dismiss the MPMediaPickerController when done with it (and remember to do so when canceling too (there is a delegate method for that too)).

    Hope that points you in the right direction.