I am wondering how to achieve my goal, I want to create a new branch from the master directory, but the directory is autogenerated and it is not checked in.
I want my release branch contains only the final binaries.
Thiis the tree of my master:
$ (master):
|------>bin <----- This is autogenerated directory not checkedin
What I want to achieve: new release branch has only bin folder
I tried two methods to do but I'm not able to.
Method 1
I tried to used git subtree:
$git subtree split --prefix=baking/bin/ -b split_libs
No new revisions were found.
I know why I got this error because my autogenerated directory is not checked-in.
Method 2: Split the directory bin into new branch but I wasn't able to do it.
$git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter baking/bin/ test_release
Question: Is it really possible to create a branch from the auto-generated directory which contains only libs?
This is not the real solution, but I just pushed the entire directory in my release branch so that other teams will fetch libraries from bin dir.