Currently one of my stateless class is throwing an exception annotated with applicationException with rollback=true. This exception is caught in the bean class and added successfully to the faces messages, but for some reason it is not shown.
My setup: bean->service (throw exception here) - ok bean->service->service (throw here) - failed
bean is annotated with: @Named @ViewScoped (omnifaces)
while service is Stateless.
Seems like session is lost on the second service. Any idea why?
Here is my exception class:
@ApplicationException(rollback = true)
public class BusinessException extends Exception
The solution seem rather weird note that: BusinessException extends Exception, so in my code I have:
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
But that doesn't work, but this does:
try {
} catch (BusinessException e1) {
} catch (Exception e) {
The idea is to catch the BusinessException itself and not its parent. But I don't know why that is.