I have a custom Struct class to hold calories, fats, carbs, and protein.
Each Time a user enters the data I put it into a variable
var theArray : NSMutableArray = []
struct CFCPstruct {
let calories : Int!
let fats : Int!
let carbs : Int!
let protein: Int!
init(Calories: Int, Fats: Int, Carbs: Int, Protein: Int) {
self.calories = Calories
self.fats = Fats
self.carbs = Carbs
self.protein = Protein
let addLog = [CFCPstruct(Calories: totalCalories, Fats: totalFats, Carbs: totalCarbs, Protein: totalProtein)]
Now I also created an array to store everything. I then need to store all the values into array, which then store that to UserDefaults.
Then I will need to call the user defaults call array[0] lets say and then call each calorie, carb, ... something like thelog.calories // theology.carbs etc
To be able to use NSCoding
the object must be a class. But as all values are property list compliant you could add a variable dictionaryRepresentation
and a corresponding initializer.
First of all never use NSMutableArray
in Swift and never declare variables as implicit unwrapped optional which are initialized with a non-optional initializer.
var theArray = [CFCPstruct]()
struct CFCPstruct {
let calories : Int
let fats : Int
let carbs : Int
let protein: Int
init(calories: Int, fats: Int, carbs: Int, protein: Int) {
self.calories = calories
self.fats = fats
self.carbs = carbs
self.protein = protein
init(dictionary : [String:Int]) {
self.calories = dictionary["calories"]!
self.fats = dictionary["fats"]!
self.carbs = dictionary["carbs"]!
self.protein = dictionary["protein"]!
var dictionaryRepresentation : [String:Int] {
return ["calories" : calories, "fats" : fats, "carbs" : carbs, "protein" : protein]
Now you can read the array from and write to user defaults.
func saveDefaults()
let cfcpArray = theArray.map{ $0.dictionaryRepresentation }
UserDefaults.standard.set(cfcpArray, forKey: "cfcpArray")
func loadDefaults()
theArray = (UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "cfcpArray") as! [[String:Int]]).map{ CFCPstruct(dictionary:$0) }