Is it possible to disable the "Select all" button in the upper left corner of the WPF DataGrid?
After using Snoop to analyze the Visual Tree of a test app I put together, I came up with this solution using the DataGrid_Loaded event):
private void TheGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
var dataGrid = (DataGrid)sender;
var border = (Border)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dataGrid, 0);
var scrollViewer = (ScrollViewer)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(border, 0);
var grid = (Grid)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(scrollViewer, 0);
var button = (Button)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(grid, 0);
button.IsEnabled = false;
There may be a more elegant XAML only solution out there, but this is what came to mind first, and it seems to work well enough (I'm obviously not doing any Exception handling either).
Note: I haven't played around with disabling/re-enabling the DataGrid to make sure that the select all button stays disabled. If it doesn't stay disabled, then you may want to also hook into the DataGrid_IsEnabledChanged event.
Hope this helps!!