I have a custom UIPickerView class (also conforms to UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource) that is used in 2 view controllers.
So in both of them I have this:
myPickerView.delegate = myPickerView
and same with dataSource
All the rows and components are configured in that custom picker view class.
I want to disable a button in my VCs when the 1st row is selected.
Usually I would do this by using one of the picker view's delegate functions (pickerView(_:,didSelectRow:, inComponent:
), but since I use a custom one that already conforms to UIPickerViewDelegate, I can't do that.
Hmm, tricky. The issue is that the picker is its own delegate, which makes the solution a bit complicated, but here's what I might do: give the picker a closure that gets called when the selected row changes. Then call that closure from the delegate method.
class MyPickerView {
typealias SelectedIndexClosure = (Int) -> Void
var selectedIndexClosure: SelectedIndexClosure = { _ in }
func picker(_ picker: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int ...) {
Then you'd set the selectedIndexClosure
to whatever code you want to be run in the view controller.
myPickerView.selectedIndexClosure = { [weak self] index in
self?.button.enabled = (index == 1)
And that should do. An more idiomatic solution might be to refactor the picker's datasource and delegate methods into a new, separate object owned by the view controller, but this should work fine.