Noob IOS Dev can't figure out the error please, please some help thread1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1,subcode=0x1003591fc) Ive tried everything I could and nothing (well everything I understood from other codes)
var pedometer :CMPedometer!
var stepCount :Int = 0
@IBOutlet var labelSteps: UILabel!
@IBAction func btnStart(_ sender: Any) {
if CMPedometer.isStepCountingAvailable() {
self.pedometer.startUpdates(from: NSDate() as Date, withHandler: {
data, error in
if data != nil {
// Add to existing counts
self.stepCount += (data?.numberOfSteps as! Int)
self.labelSteps.text = "\(self.stepCount)"
@IBAction func btnStop(_ sender: Any) {
//self.labelSteps.text = "0"
Thanks. Hoping for a response soon.
Pedometer may not have been initialised? Try:
var pedometer = CMPedometer()
Perhaps you haven't hooked up your labelSteps
to the label in your storyboard/nib.
Could be one of those issues or both