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SKMaps annotation jumping while Navigation on Real Mode

When i start navigation in my project my annotation jumped from one latitude & longitude to another instead of smoothly moving.Due to this issue the road loaded with a small jerk.How can i make my navigation smooth like google and waze app. I am using GpsTracker class for gps updates on 1 sec of time and 10 meters of distance.Kindly suggest me some way for smooth navigation.


  • In Android you should be using the SKPositionPositionProvider instead. To implement the SKPositionPositionProvider you should do:

        SKCurrentPositionProvider positionProvider = new SKCurrentPositionProvider(activity);
        positionProvider.setCurrentPositionListener(new SKCurrentPositionListener(){
            public void onCurrentPositionUpdate(SKPosition currentPosition) {
        positionProvider.requestLocationUpdates(true, true, false);