I developed a web application where form validation exceptions are supposed to be handled by @ExceptionHandler (needs to be flexible) and general system exceptions by SimpleMappingExceptionResolver (doing stuff like email notification etc.).
Problem is, that if I use both, exceptions that are mapped for @ExceptionHandler don't get to the @ExceptionHandler but are grabbed by ExceptionResolver as defaultError.
Any idea what to do to make it work together ?
public String handleFormException(ValidatorException ex, ActionRequest actionRequest) {
//TODO make conditions
return "mainOrderForm";
@ActionMapping(params = "action=addDocOrder")
public void addDocOrder(@ModelAttribute("order") CstOrderBeanImpl orderBean,
BindingResult result, ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse response)
throws PortalException, SystemException, ValidatorException {
logger.info("Adding Form Order");
Calendar cal = TimeUtils.getEuDeadLine(orderBean);
ValidatorException ve = validateService.validate(orderBean, result, actionRequest, validator);
if (ve != null) throw ve;
In DispatcherPortlet, there is
catch (Exception ex) {
// Trigger after-completion for thrown exception.
triggerAfterActionCompletion(mappedHandler, interceptorIndex, processedRequest, response, ex);
Which checks for interceptors, but none exists, so it does the default...
I just point out, that it's Portlet environment, there is usually less "views"...driven by parameters..
Maybe as a workaround in ExceptionResolver you could dynamically invoke a handler method of your choice.
public ModelAndView resolveException(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res, Object handler,Exception exc) {
if(exc instanceof ValidatorException) {
try {
java.lang.reflect.Method m = handler.getClass().getMethod("someMethod", (Class<?>)null /* method parameters? */);
m.invoke(handler,new Object[]{(ValidatorException)exc,req/*, res - maybe?*/});
} catch(Exception e) {
// Handle exception
// Send email of the error etc..
It's not exactly an elegant solution, but should work..