Looking to make a function that will read a file of animal names with latitude and longitude, it will then return the #animals within a set area, i however keep getting an Index error and i'm not sure why, im still new to Python and just need a bit of help :')
def LocationCount(FileName, Distance, Lat2, Lon2):
List =[]
File = open(FileName, "r")
for line in File:
List2 =[]
ListCount = 0
while ListCount <= len(List):
if CalculateDistance(List[ListCount][1], List[ListCount][2], Lat2, Lon2) <= Distance:
ListCount += 1
S = LocationCount("Mammal.txt", 10, 54.988056, -1.619444)
print (len(List2))
while ListCount <= len(List):
Change it to be,
while ListCount < len(List):
Lists are 0 indexed.
Also you are storing the value in S and trying to print list2, which is undefined at this scope.
S = LocationCount("Mammal.txt", 10, 54.988056, -1.619444)
print (len(List2))
replace it to be,
S = LocationCount("Mammal.txt", 10, 54.988056, -1.619444)
print len(S)